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Planet Mark Energiser Session

Our UK and Dutch offices came together for a wonderful joint Planet Mark Energiser Session, led by Hannah from Planet Mark. We are incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to engage in such a thought-provoking and productive session. It has undoubtedly ignited our passion for sustainability and equipped us with the knowledge and inspiration to drive positive change within our organisation. 

She started with providing us with a comprehensive overview of Planet Mark, their mission, and how they empower organisations to make a positive environmental impact. Then, the interactive session began!  Below is a recap.


Overview of Business Drivers for Sustainability and Net Zero: 

We delved deep into the crucial aspects driving sustainability and achieving net zero within our industry. Hannah's expertise shed light on the importance of integrating sustainable practices into our operations and the potential benefits it brings.

Exploring Our Company Carbon Footprint: 

Hannah walked us through a detailed analysis of our carbon footprint. We celebrated another year as a certified member of Planet Mark accompanied by seeing a significant 18.2% carbon reduction per employee compared to the previous year. Moreover, we examined the areas where we can make more improvements and reduce our environmental impact even more.

Team Discussion of Ideas for Our Sustainability Journey: 

One of the highlights of the session was the lively and collaborative discussion among our team members. We shared innovative ideas, brainstormed strategies, and identified practical steps to embark on our sustainability journey. 

We look forward to implementing the ideas generated during the session and making tangible progress on our sustainability goals. Together, we can make a real difference for our planet and future generations.


If you have questions regarding the content of this post, email us at and a member of the team will get back to you, or call us at +44 114 700 5676